Holotropic Breathwork Brisbane

1 June 2019

We invite you to come to a one day workshop on Brisbane’s Northside and explore the transformative process of Holotropic Breathwork. This workshop will be held on Saturday, June 1st. These one day workshops are limited to 12 people which presents an intimate setting for those seeking an opportunity to do their Inner Work. Registration in advance is necessary.

Workshop Details

When: June 1 2019

Where: Brisbane International Hotel Virginia
The Royal Room
Cnr Sandgate & Zillmere Roads, BOONDALL, QLD 4034, AUSTRALIA

Time: 8am – 6:00pm Saturday

Cost: $ 250. To secure your place a non-refundable deposit of $125 is required as spaces are limited. If you pay in full, $125 is refundable if you cancel more than 2 weeks prior to the workshop. A full refund will be provided should the event be cancelled or postponed.

What to Bring: Drawing materials, journal, loose clothing, pillow and a set of single sheets for breathwork – eye shades optional

Contact: For registration please go to www.lyndaclose.com.au or email holotropic@lyndaclose.com.au

Workshop includes all day tea/coffee, fruit, lunch and dinner platters

Discounted accommodation is available at the venue. Please ask us for the discount code.

There are some contraindications for this work as it may be physically or emotionally challenging. It is not appropriate for pregnant women or for people with heart disease, epilepsy, glaucoma, acute infectious illness, recent surgery or fractures, or severe mental illness.


Lynda Close certified as a Facilitator of Holotropic Breathwork in 2013.  She also is a 200hr Yoga teacher, holds a Certificate IV in Mental Health, Intuitive and Metaphysical Practitioner in the Healing Arts, Reiki 2 practitioner and loves to explore what mysteries our dreams hold as well as working with myth and fairytales in everyday lives.  Her new passion is herbalism along with flower essence therapies.

Peter Close has completed 5 modules within GTT plus attended the Vessel in Tasmania which is a workshop for facilitators. He is passionate about the healing potential of Holotropic Breathwork and looking forward to certifying. He is also trained in Neuroenergetic Kenesiology, Reiki 2 and a surveyor.