am passionate about the process of growth and the engagement with deep
inner work. I work with groups and individuals. I have a strong passion for Holotropic Breathwork as a profound modality for deep personal exploration. My overall approach is wholistic, incorporating heart, mind, body, spirit. The heart of my approach is to
hold a safe supported space to allow the natural unfolding and timing of
each persons healing process.
Bachelor of Social Science
Fully qualified Transpersonal and Experiential Psychotherapist (ATEP).
Fully qualified Holotropic Breathwork Practitioner with Grof Transpersonal Training.
Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia (PACFA) Accredited Supervisor
Qualified Director of Training (ATEP).
Currently enrolled in Grad. Dip Psych at UNE
Clinical member and Accredited Supervisor with PACFA. PACFA register no. 21462